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9 Responses

  1. Lola dice:

    Jó! Lo has clavado!

  2. The IncóluMen dice:

    También recorta el lector inteligente…no comprándolos.

  3. crunch dice:

    ¿lectores inteligentes? ¿dónde? Los de la Razón quedan automáticamente descalificados.
    Por cierto, qué buenos aquellos tiempos en los que la censura era por motivos ideológicos y no económicos. ¡Si es que vamos patrás!

  4. Antoño dice:

    Una vez más el Sr. Bonet… bordado !!

  5. Pere dice:


  6. Alex B dice:

    Hi there,

    I am reaching out to check if you are accepting content on your blog from guest contributors.

    If you do publish content from guest authors. I would love an opportunity to be one of them and continue our streak of publications to relevant sites in the industry.

    I am writing a well-researched, data-driven, and in-depth blog post which might be a great addition to your blog.

    Do you mind if I send you the draft so you can see if it’s a good fit for your blog?

    Molalla, OR 97038

  7. Charlespap dice:

    “I haven’t seen you in these parts,” the barkeep said, sidling over to where I sat. “Repute’s Bao.” He stated it exuberantly, as if solemn word of honour of his exploits were shared aside settlers about assorted a verve in Aeternum.

    He waved to a wooden keg apart from us, and I returned his indication with a nod. He filled a glass and slid it to me across the stained red wood of the excluding before continuing.

    “As a betting man, I’d be delighted to wager a fair bit of coin you’re in Ebonscale Reach for the purpose more than the drink and sights,” he said, eyes glancing from the sword sheathed on my with it to the bow slung across my back.

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