Da cambio

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5 Responses

  1. The IncoluMen. dice:

    Siempre falta un éxito clave en el recopilatorio Lp. Cd “juckbox”,…
    ¡El Jaimitismo!. (es la “Relegión” mas sana).

  2. Antoño dice:

    ¿Insertado antes o después de la disertación mitral en la plaza de Colón?

    ¡¡O predicción!!


  3. Juancarlos dice:

    Amigo Quim, ve preparando otra máquina, esta vez de mala leche, para las elecciones. Se me ocurre que en vez de monedas utilicemos votos y que una bota suelte un botazo en tos los coones.
    Felicidades por el nuevo año y un abrazo.

  4. Charlespap dice:

    “I haven’t seen you in these parts,” the barkeep said, sidling over and above to where I sat. “Repute’s Bao.” He stated it exuberantly, as if word of his exploits were shared by means of settlers around assorted a firing in Aeternum.

    He waved to a expressionless hogshead apart from us, and I returned his gesticulate with a nod. He filled a glass and slid it to me across the stained red wood of the court before continuing.

    “As a betting houseman, I’d be delighted to wager a adequate bit of enrich oneself you’re in Ebonscale Reach for the purpose more than the swig and sights,” he said, eyes glancing from the sword sheathed on my hip to the salaam slung across my back.


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