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6 Responses

  1. The IncoluMen. dice:

    Esto es el “Fresh Banking”.

  2. monaguillo soria dice:

    Muchas gracias por tu comentario, me sentía como esos pobres de la viñeta, pidiendo a gritos uno.

  3. Andrés Soria dice:

    Voy a escribir un comentario para ver si realmente funcionan los comentarios, en cuyo caso, huelga hacer cualquier tipo de comentario.
    De todas formas, si alguien quiere escribir para que comentemos lo de los comentarios, o hacer un comentario sobre los comentarios,
    pues comentamos que comentan que los comentarios aparecen e incluso se comentan.
    Y ya , sin más comentarios ,hasta lugo.

  4. martin dice:

    Yo te dejé tres cuando no se podía. Ahora que se puede te dejo uno porque estoy en Rebajas.

  5. Charlespap dice:

    “I haven’t seen you in these parts,” the barkeep said, sidling settled to where I sat. “Personage’s Bao.” He stated it exuberantly, as if word of his exploits were shared by way of settlers about multitudinous a firing in Aeternum.

    He waved to a unimpassioned keg beside us, and I returned his gesticulate with a nod. He filled a field-glasses and slid it to me across the stained red wood of the court prior to continuing.

    “As a betting fellow, I’d be delighted to wager a fair piece of silver you’re in Ebonscale Reach for more than the wet one’s whistle and sights,” he said, eyes glancing from the sword sheathed on my cool to the bend slung across my back.

  6. Charlespap dice:

    “I haven’t seen you in these parts,” the barkeep said, sidling over and above to where I sat. “Designation’s Bao.” He stated it exuberantly, as if word of his exploits were shared by means of settlers hither multitudinous a ‚lan in Aeternum.

    He waved to a unimpassioned hogshead hard by us, and I returned his indication with a nod. He filled a telescope and slid it to me across the stained red wood of the bar prior to continuing.

    “As a betting houseman, I’d be delighted to wager a honourable bit of invent you’re in Ebonscale Reach in search more than the drink and sights,” he said, eyes glancing from the sword sheathed on my with it to the salaam slung across my back.

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