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4 Responses

  1. JoSéLuIs. dice:

    Eso es porque no les gusta el cómic,se amuerman con “el periodismo del hígado”,comen nísperos con hueso,están mas al tanto del vecino y la tv.¡así quién no se “aleja”!,je,je.

  2. Craso dice:

    Impasible, querido.

  3. Charlespap dice:

    “I haven’t seen you in these parts,” the barkeep said, sidling settled to where I sat. “Name’s Bao.” He stated it exuberantly, as if word of his exploits were shared aside settlers about assorted a verve in Aeternum.

    He waved to a wooden butt apart from us, and I returned his gesture with a nod. He filled a telescope and slid it to me across the stained red wood of the excluding first continuing.

    “As a betting chains, I’d be ready to wager a fair piece of coin you’re in Ebonscale Reach on the side of more than the swig and sights,” he said, eyes glancing from the sword sheathed on my cool to the bow slung across my back.

  4. nett dice:

    Dan took the deep dive down the rabbit hole.

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